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4 X 14.6′ LONG BEAMS 8.5 INCH X 5 3/4 INCH…4 x 6 inch x 2.1/4 inch runners… PLANKS ARE 48 x 30 INCH X 1 1/2 INCH THICK 24 x FOR EACH RUN….very heavy duty for more info call tracey 07756671604 THEY WEIGH A TON…EACH BEAM TWO STRONG MEN LIFT. THEY DO HAVE SLIGHT SURFACE shrink and expand CRACKS BUT DON’T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE TO STRENGTH..you could drive a bus over this..you will need screws to reconstruct bridge.
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If you buy after clicking affiliate links on this site we might receive a commission from companies such as eBay, Amazon etc This does not affect the price you pay.
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Category: Garden and Patio:Garden Structures and Shade:Bridges
Location: Bedford